Sunday, March 19, 2017

Chaser Interview

Rock from West Palm Beach, FL

Who are the members in your band and what is their role?
Ok so we have Joe, he plays bass and sings. Then Tommy, who plays guitar, Matt plays drums and (Ryan Cook) play guitar and also sing.  

How did you meet?
Well I actually lived in the same neighborhood as Matt and was looking to form a band at the time. So I saw an add in my neighborhood clubhouse for drum lessons and called the number to ask if he had any students who would like to join a band. Turns out he was my age so we met up and jammed and I ended up joining his band. Then Matt met Tommy through high school. Tommy was wearing an ADTR shirt and they became friends because of it haha. Joe honestly just kinda fell out of the sky. I had a mutual friend and when we were looking for a bass player at the time I decided to randomly hit up this kid that I barely knew.  
How did you decide on your band name?
We used to be Settle The Tides and we decided that we wanted to change our attitude and take this band more seriously, so we changed it to Chaser. Honestly we were just shooting ideas around and that one stuck.

Who are your biggest influences?
Our influences greatly vary. So its hard to say but I'll name a few. Four Year Strong, Nirvana, Seaway, Soundgarden, Superheaven, Basement and Foo Fighters. The list definitely goes on.

Who writes the songs?
We all collectively write the songs.

What are you working on right now?
Right now we are currently writing our second EP.

What are your plans for the future?
In May we're going up to Massachusetts to record

What is your favorite venue to play?
We don't really have a favorite venue but there was this really cool show in Ohio that we played in someones basement. So I would say anyones house haha.

What is your favorite state to play?
Our favorite state to play is New York. Great scene, great people.                                    

What is something your fans don’t know about you?
We all love Chick fil a, we could live there.

Are you touring in the near future?/On tour right now?
We're actually planning to tour in July!  

What is your favorite song to play live?
Mirror, It's so much fun to play.

What is your favorite piece of merchandise that you have released?
The Navy "Blue Print" shirt. People seemed to really like that one and we sold completely out.  

What show can we catch you binge watching?
Trailer Park Boys. 

Who are your guilty pleasure musicians to listen to?

Where can we find your music?
You can find our music on iTunes, Spotify, Bandcamp.  

Where can we buy your merch?
Merch can be bought at shows for cheaper or at

Follow Chaser here:
Twitter: @chaserflorida
Instagram: @chaserflorida

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